How are ETIC Hotels using A.I. to rate 60,000+ hotels’ sustainability engagement?
A hotel-booking platform for ethical and sustainable hotels
While pricing and location used to be the major filters to consumers when booking their next hotel stays, carbon footprint and sustainability practices have recently been very popular – especially among millennials.
ETIC Hotels rates and monitors over 60,000 hotels globally by using artificial intelligence (A.I.) and sophisticated techniques such as Natural Language Processing (N.L.P.). Indeed, ETIC Hotels scans all available information from the internet – including press releases, news as well corporate annual and sustainability reports.
Using A.I. for a greener travelling and tourism industry
By using A.I. to rate most hotels worldwide, ETIC Hotels is indirectly putting pressure on hotels to disclose more information about their sustainability and ethical practices. As mentioned by ETIC Hotels CEO and data scientist Olivier Khatib – “hotels are feeling the pressure to become more transparent when it comes to eco-friendliness and sustainability as well as an increasing need to prove themselves with future ethical practices and policies.”. Therefore, with the use of A.I., ETIC Hotels can cover hotels across the globe and can’t miss regions where hotels are usually very passive when it comes to environmental, social and governance policies.
Using A.I. to detect any greenwashing
Via sophisticated methods and algorithms, ETIC Hotels is also able to distinguish a very biased view from hotel reports as well as detect any greenwashing (i.e. a form of advertising or marketing spin in which green PR and green marketing are deceptively used) coming from hotel communications. As Olivier adds, “using artificial intelligence allows us to have a more neutral viewpoint when looking at hotels’ annual or green reports as we’re using various sources of information such as the news and social media to confirm whether a piece of information is true and legitimate”.
While ETIC Hotels provides another source of revenue to hotels across the world, it’s also providing an extra layer of work for hotels to provide more accurate, ethical and sustainability policies. Olivier says “hotels are usually quite thankful to us for providing more ethical consumers as well as supplying them with ETIC Hotels Green Standards (EHGS) that are helping them implement more sustainability policies.”